I post only 1 post in my WhatApp group. I hate posting…! what do you suggest..!

Customer Query: Sagar, I post only 1 post in my WhatApp group. I hate posting…! what do you suggest..!
Ok. I will explain in simple terms. We call it as a *Sales Funnel*or building a Sales Engine for your Business. Basically *sales funnel*irrespective of business has 4 major steps.
1) Attract
2) Engage
3) Build Trust & Relationships
4) Conversion..!

Lets understand by example, You attract 1000 *targeted customers*, 100 Engagement will happen out of that 10 will actually trust your product or service and 1 will get converted as an Order. so it is 1000:1 ratio. it will vary business-to-business. So it means you must/need to attract more & more *targeted customers* more people you attract more conversions will happen.

How Social Media Helps?:
When you Post Social Media Message, its basically to attract more Targeted Customers.

Now, Lets say on whatsApp you need to attract 1000 People to get at least 1 order daily. Considering each group Limit is 255 members you need at least 5 Groups Posting. Hence your Logic of 1 Post Per day will not help..! now you can say, you dont want to generate Leads using social media…in that case…you are ignoring Potential of Social Media in your Business. Hope This helps.

For more such Tips, I take Regular Digital Marketing Training you are most welcome to Enroll..!

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